Collagen is a fancy word for a certain chain of amino acids which are the most abundant type of protein in your body. More specifically, collagen is formed by Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline, and Arginine.
It These 4 amino acids play a vital role in maintaining our structure and integrity while we age and are the building blocks of ligaments, joints, connective tissue, skin, hair, nails and organs. From the age of 25, we lose the ability to produce collagen naturally (ourselves) by 1.5% each year thus making it vital to maintain and even supplement with.
There are different types of collagen, type 1, 2 and 3, that can be from different sources like bovine or marine (the two most common). It can't expressed enough how important it is to source your collagen from sustainable, quality and organic produce. There is nothing worse than the thought of consuming antibiotic and hormone filled animals that have been grain fed…you are what you eat and quality really matter when it comes to results and outcomes.
Marine Vs Bovine - the major differences

Marine collagen is from fish skin and scales whilst bovine is from cow hides. Different sources mean different impacts on the outcome for yourself as the consumer and the environment (sustainability). The environment plays a major role on the quality of the supplement (organic, grass fed, wild caught vs grain fed/conventionally grown).
Marine collagen in mostly full of type I collagen where as bovine is a mixture of type I and type III. Type I predominantly serves our skin, ligaments, tissues and gut thus making it the most effect to heal, support, rebuild and reinforce our bodies. Type III is the second most abundant and also helps with skin elasticity and gut health.
Why Marine over Bovine?
Marine collagen has higher bioavailability and greater positive effects on the skin and bodies collagen matrix. It is absorbed by the body 1.5x more than other types of collagen (bovine). Many studies have showed skin thickness increasing by 30% and a reduction in wrinkle and fine lines. Further more, it can increase hydration, reducing the amount of product you have to put on externally and reinforces from the inside out. As a nutritionist, if you are someone who has tried and tested every external skincare product, then your problem most likely lies internally and needs to be addressed through diet and a possible collagen supplement like Wild Collagen Reds. You can expect to see results in 4 weeks (everyone is different). Good things take time and consistency is key.
Like any supplement and food we eat, quality matters and it is extremely important to find the cleanest you can. Where you source your marine collagen makes a massive difference as well. Wild caught marine collagen is regarded as the safest and best variety. Every company is different, so it is best to do your research and choose the product that is sustainable and sourced from wild caught like Wild Collagen Reds, sourced from deep sea wild Russian Cod fish.
Why Take It.
A major reason people take a collagen supplement is to help improve their skin. Whether it be for wrinkles, hydration, or better skin elasticity, collagen can be used to help these issues. With many studies to back it, marine collagen is the best to take for skin integrity and regeneration, perfect for sun damaged skin and people that are out doors. Furthermore is has great studies in medicinal used for wound healing and gut health. Don't worry, it doesn't taste or smell fishy...making it the perfect compliment to smoothies, drinks, protein balls and more.
References Below.
Lassus A, Jeskanen L, Happonen HP, Santalahti J (1991) Treatment of degenerated skin in females. Dept of Dermatology, University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Findland. Journal International Medical; Research (2): 147 – 52
Eskelinin, A. and Santalahti, J. (1992) Natural marine polysaccharides for the treatment of sun-damaged skin in females. Department of Dermatological Research, ARS – Medicina, Helsinki, Findland. Journal International Medical Research: 20 (3) 227 - 33
Heule F (1992) An oral approach to the treatment of photo damaged skin: A Pilot Study. The Journal of International Medical Research Volume 22: 273 – 278. Department of Dermatology and Venereology. Academic Hospital Rotterdam – Dijkzigt, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
1 comment
I am wondering why you don’t include all the types of collagen? Considering Type 3 is for skin elasticity, what about organic grass fed bovine as well as marine?